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The Law Office of Libby Banks > Posts tagged "goals"

New Years Resolutions? To Keep Them, Know Your “Why”!

If you’re like me, December is a time to think about New Year’s resolutions. This year I want to keep my resolutions, instead of abandoning them all before January is over. How to do that? I asked my fitness trainer, Janet McConnell, whose book Elements of Aging Well: Wisdom from My Journey So Far is now available on Amazon. She says the way to stay motivated is to dig deep and find the “Why” behind your goal. Your resolution: exercise regularly. Your plan: get up at six a.m. and get to the gym every weekday. But when the alarm goes off,...

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To Keep Your Resolutions, KNOW YOUR “WHY”!

By Libby Banks, The Law Office of Libby Banks Over the years, I’ve made many a resolution at the New Year. Some I’ve kept, others went by the wayside quicker than day turns into night. Why is that, and how can I really keep the resolutions that are important to me? I’ve contemplated that question and asked a few experts how to succeed with more of my New Year’s resolutions. One told me it all boils down to this: find your “Why.” The resolution may be to exercise regularly. Your plan: get up at six a.m. and get to the gym early every...

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